Employment Opportunities

Turning Points Educational Solutions is an educational specialty clinic in downtown Willow Glen providing a variety of services, including; assessment, educational therapy, executive functioning coaching, and advocacy for clients ages three and up.  If you meet the desired criteria for one of the following positions and feel you would be a good fit at Turning Points, please contact us at info@turningpointsed.com.  

Current Openings:

Licensed Psychologist

Turning Points Educational Solutions is hiring additional licensed psychologists to provide assessments for clients ages three and up.  Candidates should be able to provide a combination of both remote and in-person services.  The position(s) could be filled by a Licensed Educational Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, or Clinical Psychologist.  Applicants interested in providing assessments should possess expertise in various types of assessment (IQ/gifted testing, academic/educational assessment, psycho-educational, neuropsychological, autism), a wide variety of assessment measures, DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, and report writing that includes detailed recommendations for home and school.  Applicants interested in providing therapeutic services should be able to address things like anxiety, depression, executive functioning, and social cognition. Experience in both schools and private practice is highly desired.

Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP)

Turning Points Educational Solutions is hiring a Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP) for a combination of remote and in-person services. The caseload will start as part-time and possibly build to full-time, if desired. We serve clients ages three through adulthood, though the majority of our clients are K-12 students with mild to moderate learning needs. Most of our clients are interested in afternoon, evening, and weekend sessions. Additional training in programs/areas such as social cognition, executive functioning, phonological awareness, Visualizing and Verbalizing, reading, and written expression is highly desired.  Applicants should be experienced in and comfortable supporting language-based academic areas (reading comprehension, math word problems, and written expression) and executive functioning skills as well as the receptive/expressive language and articulation skills that SLPs typically address.  

Educational Therapist/Learning Specialist

To meet the demand for services, Turning Points Educational Solutions is hiring additional Educational Therapists/Learning Specialists. Applicants should be able to provide a combination of both remote and in-person services.  We are an educational specialty clinic in downtown Willow Glen providing a variety of services (assessment, Educational Therapy, executive functioning coaching, and advocacy). Caseloads will start as part-time and possibly build to full-time, if desired. We serve clients ages three through adulthood, though the majority of our clients are K-12 students with mild to moderate learning needs. Most of our clients are interested in afternoon, evening, and weekend sessions. Additional training in programs/areas such as Orton-Gillingham, Wilson, Slingerland, Barton, Visualizing and Verbalizing (V&V), Making Math Real, social cognition/social thinking curriculum, and executive functioning is highly desired.