This study showed that engaging in memory training with the method of loci strategy 30 minutes a day, five days a week for six weeks improved brain connection patterns and memory. “The results align with the idea that our brains are highly plastic and continuously change and adapt. This is showing that the act of …
“At the end of the 2016 school year, my fifth-grade students scored an average of 85 percent on the state science exam, while my school as a whole scored 58 percent. It’s important to remember that every child is different and learns differently. Relating classroom lessons to real life helps students at any level connect …
“These students can be far more talented and gifted than they often seem. They are full of creativity, play, spontaneity, and cheerfulness. They tend to be resilient, generous of spirit, and glad to help. They usually have a “special something” that enhances whatever setting they are in. Look for these positive characteristics and find an …
“The evidence suggests that what works is not therapy that focuses on the child — such as play therapy — but coaching and training for the parents. That does not mean that the parents were the problem in the first place, it means that the parents have been dealt a particularly difficult assignment, and the …
Sitting on ‘wiggle seats’, or moving their bodies in ways that don’t distract those around them, help students to be more engaged and better sustain attention while learning and completing work. Read the article here.
“Filling a child’s time for them teaches nothing but dependence on external stimuli, whether material possessions or entertainment. Providing nurturing conditions and trusting children’s natural inclination to engage their minds is far more likely to produce independent, competent children, full of ideas.” From: What Happens When We Shield Kids from Boredom
I have seen some interesting methods of calming a noisy room over the years. These techniques might add a few more to your repertoire. Please add any others you might like in the comments section. 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class
There are so many options for classroom seating that allow for movement and engaged, student-centered learning. Farewell Desks: Rethinking Furniture to Support Learning
I get asked a lot about the type of music that might help or interfere with learning. This article suggests that playing music and other medium level sounds in art class may help to boost creativity. However, music with acoustic variation interfered with working memory tasks like mental math. Also, songs with lyrics interfered with …
Want to increase attention in school and during homework completion? You might want to try an exercise ball or “wiggle seat”. Exercise Balls Improve Attention and Posture by Erica Rodriquez