This article includes social stories and visual schedules to help students with autism become more comfortable wearing masks and prepare for Covid-19 testing.…/helping-people-with-autism…
This article includes links to downloadable and printable social stories that can help students with autism and social communication needs become more comfortable with masks.…/Wearing a mask in public may be new for children. To help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID 19), the CDC is recommending everyone wear a face mask (not including …
It’s important to help kids become comfortable wearing masks as well as interacting with others who have masks on. Here are some suggestions that might be helpful.
“At a time when we all need to be kinder and more accepting of one another, here are seven tips from Grandin on how we can help our loved ones with autism during this global health pandemic.”
Check out these free Boardmaker options for students who need visual schedules.
Here are some apps that might be helpful for students with dyslexia, autism, visual impairments, and writing challenges.
Instead of presenting herself as someone who is overcoming a disability, Greta makes an argument that “she became an activist not in spite of her autism but because of it. ‘I see the world a bit different, from another perspective. It’s very common that people on the autism spectrum have a special interest. … I …
“In the end, it was clear that the evidence supporting the efficacy of Brain Balance was weak, and that company marketing strategies targeted vulnerable parents searching for any treatment (however costly and non-proven) that might help their children.Additionally, we were able to clarify for the public that childhood disorders such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism …
This local mother turned social stories about her daughter with autism into a series of books that you might find helpful. Bonus: a portion of the proceeds go towards special needs programs at local schools! Read the whole story here.
Here’s an interesting article and video about how Google Glass might help students with Autism correctly interpret facial cues in real life situations. Autism And Google Glass: Teen’s Software Could Help Users Recognize Emotional Cues by Robin Wilkey