Family and Children’s Books Related to Covid-19–New Hampshire Family Voices

This article suggests a variety of books (including coloring books) that can help children understand Covid-19, manage worries, understand and cope with changes (like not being able to visit elderly relatives), feel empowered, and learn to wear a mask.…/family-and-childrens-books-related-to-c…/

Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School and College Age

This fact sheets “helps high school and college students understand how economic difficulties may affect them and provides suggestions on how they can cope during these uncertain times.

Temple Grandin Has Some Great Tips to Help Kids With Autism Cope During the Coronavirus Quarantine

“At a time when we all need to be kinder and more accepting of one another, here are seven tips from Grandin on how we can help our loved ones with autism during this global health pandemic.”