“We should be spending this summer figuring out a better way to deliver remote learning while corporations and communities figure out how they can help with the childcare crisis. Instead, teachers are spending the summer trying to rewrite curriculum for 3 different schedules (in person, hybrid, and remote) all while they know that stepping into …
This is a great page to bookmark for information about outdoor learning/classrooms. It provides research, public forum and survey links, work/planning groups, government guidance, a media library, and more.http://www.greenschoolyards.org/covid-learn-outside
Here are some more suggestions to help kids become comfortable with masks. Remember, rather than providing too much information, let the kids steer the conversation. Provide some basic information and then let them ask questions. They will only ask for information that they’re developmentally ready to process.https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/…/helping-kids-get-used…
This article provides information about why masks can be scary for younger children and how to help them become more comfortable with masks.https://www.nytimes.com/…/coronavirus-children-masks-fear.h…
This article includes links to downloadable and printable social stories that can help students with autism and social communication needs become more comfortable with masks.https://www.drdaycare.com/wearing-a-face-mask-tips-to-teac…/Wearing a mask in public may be new for children. To help reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID 19), the CDC is recommending everyone wear a face mask (not including …
This article suggests a variety of books (including coloring books) that can help children understand Covid-19, manage worries, understand and cope with changes (like not being able to visit elderly relatives), feel empowered, and learn to wear a mask.https://nhfv.org/…/family-and-childrens-books-related-to-c…/
It’s important to help kids become comfortable wearing masks as well as interacting with others who have masks on. Here are some suggestions that might be helpful.https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/coronavirus-masks.html
This article includes great suggestions to help educators make remote learning work well for a variety of learners. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Turns-Out-You-Can-Build/249038/?fbclid=IwAR0u7xGmmvJxjZuXzr3P3CpP7LfpVx0kk59x1ccA-EeWSMYSdr-m4-alDxE
As we continue in some version of a shelter-in-place, teaching children to occupy themselves not only helps parents who are working from home but children also benefit from learning how to entertain and educate themselves.https://www.npr.org/…/kids-know-how-to-occupy-themselves-we…American parents often feel like event planners for their kids. There’s a pressure to make sure kids are entertained and content …
This link includes several articles that can help educators address remote learning challenges, like; maintaining attention, number talks, learning strategies, preparing for next year, etc.https://www.edutopia.org/…/distance-learning-faq-solving-te…