Here are some apps that might be helpful for students with dyslexia, autism, visual impairments, and writing challenges.
“In the end, it was clear that the evidence supporting the efficacy of Brain Balance was weak, and that company marketing strategies targeted vulnerable parents searching for any treatment (however costly and non-proven) that might help their children.Additionally, we were able to clarify for the public that childhood disorders such as ADHD, dyslexia, and autism …
Using audiobooks is a great way to provide multi-sensory reading that improves both decoding and comprehension skills as long as the reader follows along with the text while listening. Read more here.
Here are some simple multisensory techniques for improving handwriting and letter formation skills. Read more here.
Here are some tips to make the speech-to-text technology more user friendly. Have you found anything else to be particularly helpful? Read the full article here.
There is a lot of misinformation out there about dyslexia. This article provides some useful information about the different types of dyslexia; phonological, surface, or mixed. When seeking an evaluation, make sure the type of dyslexia is identified as some reading interventions/programs only address certain parts of dyslexia and not all.
Explaining Learning Differences to Students This article discusses how one mom explained dyslexia to her son. There are also some good books out there that can help students understand their learning needs and realize that they are not alone in their struggles. Please see the professional who identified your child’s learning differences for additional resources, …
Learning Differences-Acceptance and Empowerment This article presents the journey of one student’s acceptance of her learning differences; and how this empowered her to take charge of her learning process and experience success.
This is a great first step towards providing interventions that work specifically for students with dyslexia. With new law, state officially recognizes dyslexia in schools, by DIANE D’AMICO
Dyslexia is characterized by weak phonological awareness and/or rapid naming skills. It is often accompanied by some visual processing difficulties as well. This article suggests that those visual processing differences are a result of dyslexia, not a cause of it. We know that the old colored overlays, etc are not effective in improving reading in …