Here are some more suggestions to help kids become comfortable with masks. Remember, rather than providing too much information, let the kids steer the conversation. Provide some basic information and then let them ask questions. They will only ask for information that they’re developmentally ready to process.…/helping-kids-get-used…
More books, videos, and teaching resources to help teach kids about Juneteenth.
Here are some amazing resources for age appropriate ways to talk about race.
“CNN is partnering with Sesame Street for a special town hall Saturday at 9 a.m. ET about coronavirus, focused on kids and parents.”
Looking for some non-screen activities for the weekend? Check these out.
Free daily PE workouts!–DZGwu4QqaqX5TRydMrSbio
Free cooking classes!
As we all hopefully have more time to pursue areas of interest right now, let’s focus on “extracurriculars” today. Here’s a free resource from Illustrator. What interests are you pursuing?
Need help explaining Covid to kids?