A lot of people have been talking about 13 Reasons Why, a book and now a Netflix Series about a teen girl who dies by suicide. There is a lot of controversy about this, and we advise reading these guidelines to be better informed. This contains great resources about suicide, even if you’re not watching …
This local mother turned social stories about her daughter with autism into a series of books that you might find helpful. Bonus: a portion of the proceeds go towards special needs programs at local schools! Read the whole story here.
What a great idea! Here’s hoping that any assigned homework has long been done and you all had a relaxing Sunday. Read more about the assignment and its full story here.
I find that many students who have been diagnosed with ODD actually have some type of anxiety disorder. Consequences for behaviors viewed as willful and within their control, then make their anxiety–and their behavior–worse. When behaviors stem from anxiety, the underlying anxiety must be addressed in order for those behaviors to improve. Read the full …
got college? provides some interesting information about college waitlist options and 3-2 engineering programs in their most recent newsletter.
It’s never too early to start teaching kids about money. And April’s Financial Literacy Month is a great time to start! Here are 30 Resources to Teach Kids Financial Literacy
San Francisco Community College offers free tuition. San Jose Community College may also very soon. Now, New York is offering free tuition at all public colleges for students whose families make less than $125,000 a year. Read the full article here.
Want to instill an early sense of ‘girl power?’ “Here are 40 of our favorite independent princess stories but this is just a small sample of the many great titles available.” Read the full article here.
Here are some basic tips to help students who are having difficulty in math. However, there are three different types of dyscalculia. A thorough evaluation can identify which type the student is experiencing. Then, we can also identify exactly what accommodations and interventions will be most effective for that student. Read the full article here.
Using audiobooks is a great way to provide multi-sensory reading that improves both decoding and comprehension skills as long as the reader follows along with the text while listening. Read more here.