“We should be spending this summer figuring out a better way to deliver remote learning while corporations and communities figure out how they can help with the childcare crisis. Instead, teachers are spending the summer trying to rewrite curriculum for 3 different schedules (in person, hybrid, and remote) all while they know that stepping into …
“With coronavirus threat already hanging over the 2020-21 school year, the time to cancel the testing is now. Now. Before the 2020-21 school year is scheduled to begin. Instead, put those resources (time, energy, and money, millions and millions of dollars in money) in reserve as a proactive measure for facing COVID-19 in 2020-21.” https://deutsch29.wordpress.com/2020/04/16/states-need-to-plan-now-to-forego-standardized-testing-in-2020-21/?fbclid=IwAR367cSR-_a1CGRu8Wc4vGSCS8-zAlk_lMMb29Md8fkDX5T5r0nSSKi9khY
Click here for 25 short videos that range in time from one to seven minutes that tackle issues of race, bias and identity. Also included are several teaching ideas, related readings, and student activities to help students consider perspectives different than their own. Watch them here.
Check out Donors Choose, where teachers can post projects that they would like funded for their classrooms and others can find projects in high-need communities to support. https://www.donorschoose.org
“Beginning in the early 1980s, the American economy began to shift from one where a high-school diploma was enough to get a decent job to one where at least some college is required. Everybody’s learned that the only thing more expensive than going to college is not going to college. That’s the problem, this movement …
Here is some useful information about how test scores are used. Also, keep in mind that there are more and more four-year colleges who are not requiring test scores as a part of their admissions process.
I have seen some interesting methods of calming a noisy room over the years. These techniques might add a few more to your repertoire. Please add any others you might like in the comments section. 30 Techniques to Quiet a Noisy Class
The Key To Smarter Kids: Talking To Them The Right Way Studies show that parents who check homework, attend school meetings, discuss school activities, and read to their children have a more powerful influence on their child’s achievement than anything that schools can do. Conversations within the home are important in developing learning readiness as …
Study: Poor children are now the majority in American public schools in South, West “We have an education system that continues to assume that most of our students are middle class and have independent resources outside the schools in order to support their education, Suitts said. The trends and facts belie that assumption. We can’t …