Special Education Would Get Big Boost Under Biden Proposal

“The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, enacted in 1975, guarantees students with disabilities the right to a free public education appropriate to their needs. The law requires that the federal government cover 40% of the cost, and states, counties and school districts pay the remaining 60%. But the federal government has never met the …

COVID-19 and K-12 Students with Disabilities: Initial Guidance

Today we turn our attention to how school closures and remote learning affect our Special Education population. Here’s an article summarizing legal implications, which are continuing to change. https://perryzirkel.com/2020/03/20/special-supplement-covid-19-and-k-12-students-with-disabilities-initial-guidance/?fbclid=IwAR2H_mFE_7kjf8NkTTxvjEucKbHLeJFtCYlUUnU-KJabMEgeBkg1ozpZWIE