“To fight against systemic racism means to buck norms. Educators at every level must be willing to be uncomfortable in their struggle for black students, recognizing students’ power and feeding it by honoring their many contributions to our schools. Teachers need to insist on using their own power to consistently reveal and examine their practice, …
We hope that everyone has a wonderful 19-20 school year! https://www.moqproducts.com.au/skoolbag/blog/how-to-foster-a-sense-of-community/?fbclid=IwAR3YvhNcTnRLsaYBkaVBL7jhqQ8NW050ogunAd5XG3ZWDVysc9b-2bFaA8c
A lot of people have been talking about 13 Reasons Why, a book and now a Netflix Series about a teen girl who dies by suicide. There is a lot of controversy about this, and we advise reading these guidelines to be better informed. This contains great resources about suicide, even if you’re not watching …
What a great idea! Here’s hoping that any assigned homework has long been done and you all had a relaxing Sunday. Read more about the assignment and its full story here.
It’s never too early to start teaching kids about money. And April’s Financial Literacy Month is a great time to start! Here are 30 Resources to Teach Kids Financial Literacy
Here are some basic tips to help students who are having difficulty in math. However, there are three different types of dyscalculia. A thorough evaluation can identify which type the student is experiencing. Then, we can also identify exactly what accommodations and interventions will be most effective for that student. Read the full article here.
Using audiobooks is a great way to provide multi-sensory reading that improves both decoding and comprehension skills as long as the reader follows along with the text while listening. Read more here.
Click here for 25 short videos that range in time from one to seven minutes that tackle issues of race, bias and identity. Also included are several teaching ideas, related readings, and student activities to help students consider perspectives different than their own. Watch them here.
Check out Donors Choose, where teachers can post projects that they would like funded for their classrooms and others can find projects in high-need communities to support. https://www.donorschoose.org
Here are ways to promote young girls’ interest in STEM fields: Promote female role models in STEM subjects, offer hands-on STEM exercises, and have teachers mentor and encourage girls in these subjects. Read more here.